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Can I have a “Mommy Makeover”?

Posted May 30, 2014 in Body Procedures, Breast Procedures, Mommy Makeover, Plastic Surgery

spl112442_001-ali-landryMany people have a general idea of what a “Mommy Makeover” is just from the clever name that was derived from the commonality of the procedure.  Basically it makes mommy over, right?  Yes!  Moms can get their pre-baby body back with a breast procedure and tummy procedure performed at the same time!  Doing it at once, saves on recovery time so mom can get back to being a mom!  Just a side note, but one thing you may not know is that you really don’t have to be a mom to have a “Mommy Makeover”.

Although it is mostly moms who want this procedure, weight loss patients can also benefit from it because of the breast deflation and loose skin associated from weight loss.  With that said & focusing on moms, “Mommy Makeovers” are  a popular procedure with a high satisfaction rate.  After babies and nursing, you lose the volume you once had in your breasts and they become deflated, droopy and you may even have stretch marks.

Carrying your baby for all those months can loosen your stomach muscles and stretch out your skin resulting in possible stretch marks and loose skin that unfortunately, no amount of exercise will get rid of.  Do you still have that pooch even though you do thousands of sit ups and eat right?  That is most likely because your abdominal muscles have loosened up and need to get tightened up again, but that can be better determined at your exam.  If you are done with babies and are ready to get your body back to pre-baby shape, interested in learning more about the procedure and most importantly, which procedures would benefit you the most, you may want to consider a “Mommy Makeover” with Dr. Angela Champion.

To learn more about treatments and procedures by Board Certified Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Angela Champion, M.D. contact us at 949.640.4005. Taking new patients from in and around Newport Beach | Orange County CA.