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Breast Implant Revision
Newport Beach

Breast Implant Revision Procedure

Breast implant revision surgery can help women who are ready to replace their implants in order to improve the appearance of their breasts or are experiencing a complication such as pain from thickening of the scar. Below are other complications that some women may also experience:

  • Breast implant rupture or deflation
  • Desire to go smaller or larger
  • Switching from a saline implant to a silicone implant
  • Capsular contracture

At your initial consultation, Dr. Champion will examine you and may also recommend adding a breast lift, tightening your pocket to reposition the implant on the chest if they are falling to the side, or increasing/decreasing the size, shape or style of the breast implant in order to achieve your desired goal. Because as we age or after weight gain/loss from pregnancy, the overlying breast tissue can change and hang off your implant causing a less than desirable appearance.

Dr. Champion will go over the risks associated with this procedure so you can decide if the benefits and potential complications of breast implant revision are worth it for you. Every patient’s situation and goals are different, so breast implant revision surgery is not a standard or routine procedure, which is why it is important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in breast procedures like Dr. Champion.

Today there is a wide variety of implants to choose from. Dr. Champion is a breast specialist and will customize your procedure by recommending the implant she thinks will best suit your needs. Although most implants are highly cohesive and very durable, they are not lifetime devices, and it is recommended to replace them approximately every 10 to 15 years. With that said, the decision to exchange your implants is a personal one. If you are unsure if this is the right procedure for you, Dr. Champion can help with your decision. Her knowledge and expertise are key to understanding the pros and cons for every individual. She is sensitive to a woman’s needs and goals and will carefully develop a surgical plan specifically tailored to the patient’s desired results.

Who is a Candidate for Breast Implant Revision

You may be a good breast implant revision candidate if:

  • You are unhappy with size, shape or appearance of your breast implants
  • You breast implants are 10 years or older
  • You are in good health and have maintained a steady weight
  • You have realistic expectations
  • You are a non-smoker

In general, breast implant revision surgery is for any patient who currently has breast implants and is now unhappy with their appearance or concerned about the condition of their implants. This procedure can address those concerns by replacing the existing implants with new implants and/or other additional procedures to achieve your best result.


Healing time can vary for every patient depending on their situation. It may take longer for the breasts to soften, for normal sensation to return or for the scars to fade. Initially, there may be some minor bruising, if any at all, and swelling that will resolve over time. It can take several months for your breasts to feel soft and “normal”.

The practice of medicine and surgery is not an exact science and there is no guarantee. Breast revision surgery tends to be more difficult than a primary breast augmentation, and while we expect a good result with improvement, there is always a risk that you may require another surgery. It is important to have realistic expectations. Following Dr. Champion’s post-op instructions is key to the success of your surgery.

Schedule Your Appointment With Dr. Champion

Dr. Champion offers her patients the most current technology in cosmetic surgery available on the market today. Schedule an appointment to learn more about Orange County cosmetic surgery procedures from Dr. Angela Champion.

To learn more about treatments and procedures by Board Certified Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Angela Champion, M.D. contact us at (949) 202-0634. Taking new patients from in and around Newport Beach | Orange County CA.

Dr. Champion looks forward to meeting you during your initial consultation.