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Facelift Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos

Posted May 06, 2017 in Plastic Surgery

Facelift Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos | Newport Plastic SurgeryFacelift is one of the most aesthetically transformative plastic surgery procedures that can take five to 10 years off the patient’s face and restore a more youthful look. At the time of pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will educate the patient about all aspects of facelift surgery.  

Some surgeons may also present facelift before and after photographs during the initial consultation. This will enable the patient to understand the potential effectiveness of the procedure. Magnificent and board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Angela Champion provides facelift to patients in Newport Beach, Orange County, CA, and surrounding communities.

What are Facelift Before and After Pictures?

Before and after pictures in case of facelift plastic surgery refer to a pair or group of images belonging to a previous patient who has undergone the same surgery with a successful outcome. The pictures include images taken prior to the surgery and after the surgery at a time when the initial bruising and swelling has been completely resolved and full results of facelift have been established.

The surgeon will take care to ensure that the photographs are obtained with the patient’s express consent and presented before new patients in a discreet manner. The patient’s identity may be kept undisclosed as per the standard protocol. The surgeon’s sole purpose behind this exercise is to familiarize new patients with the potential aesthetic results of facelift, and help them make an informed choice.


Face is aesthetically the most prominent part of the body. It is natural for any patient to be concerned about how their facial appearance will be impacted after facelift, and whether the procedure can meet their personal cosmetic goals and needs. Some patients may only need a partial facelift, while some others may need a full traditional facelift along with neck lift and upper face procedures.

In each situation, the patient can make better decisions and feel more confident about the procedure when they have access to facelift plastic surgery before and after photos. Board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Champion receives patients from Newport Beach, Orange County, CA, and other neighborhoods and communities in this part of Southern California for a facelift.

Keeping Reasonable Expectations

In any cosmetic procedure, it is vitally important for the patient to have a positive mindset, clear aesthetic goals and reasonable expectations. Such patients will usually be able to appreciate the final outcomes in a better way and feel more deeply satisfied. Therefore, experienced surgeons prefer to provide facelift before and after photos at the very first appointment to a new patient.

This simple effort also helps to mitigate the risk of any misunderstanding or disappointment occurring at a later stage when it may be difficult to reverse the procedure.

Online Pictures

The surgeon has an option to provide facelift before and after pictures on their practice website. This will enable new patients to simply access the photos online from their home or office, and then choose if they want to visit for a personal facelift consultation. The surgeon may also share the photos via social media to increase awareness about facelift plastic surgery procedure.

What has really change this aspect of the game is digital technology and the plastic surgery community has certainly take advantage of it. So has Dr. Champion. Now a patient can see what they are getting into before they sign any paper work. Now a patient has so much more power because they have the information they need to make a stellar and salient decision. Again, the Internet has made the world flatter.

From the comfort and solitude in one’s home, someone can make a decision pertaining to facelift without anyone knowing. They do not have to schedule a meeting with the clinic and rely on the spoken word of a staff member or the surgeon him or herself. The patient does not have to focus on some vague brochure or outdated pictures that are available in the office.

Website pictures offer outstanding clarity, far beyond any other picture taking means, which helps anyone make the right decision based on their needs without anyone else knowing.